Electronics & Control
INDRA Collaboration., Ademard, G., Borderie, B. et al. Isospin effects and symmetry energy studies with INDRA. Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 33 (2014).
Abstract: The equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter is still controversial, as predictions at subsaturation as well as above normal density widely diverge. We discuss several experimental results measured in heavy-ion collisions with the INDRA array in the incident energy range 5-80A MeV. In particular an estimate of the density dependence of the symmetry energy is derived from isospin diffusion results compared with a transport code: the potential part of the symmetry energy linearly increases with the density. We demonstrate that isospin equilibrium is reached in mid-central collisions for the two reactions Ni+Au at 52A MeV and Xe + Sn at 32A MeV. New possible variables and an improved modelization to investigate symmetry energy are discussed.
ABSTRACT: The 4π INDRA multi-detector was exploited to study heavy ion collisions at Fermi energies in order to explore the so-called symmetry energy, which is the isospin dependence of the nuclear matter Equation of State. Our study has first focused on new data analysis techniques in order to select quasi-projectile sources compatible with a statistical de-excitation (“Sel” variable) and to sort quasi-fusion events and quasi-projectile/quasi-target events (variable “Vbigiso”). This first step was obtained with data from Xe+Sn and Au+Au reactions at different bombarding energies, specifically studying fragments and particles detected on the forward side of the reaction centre-of-mass. By analyzing the centre-of-mass forward light charged particles and fragments (Z>2) production in the reactions 136,124Xe+124,112Sn at 32 MeV/nucleon, corresponding to the fifth INDRA campaign at GANIL, we have confirmed the presence of isospin diffusion between projectile and target. We have shown that the magnitude of the diffusion increases with the collision violence, corresponding to increasing centrality. The experimental results were compared to theoretical predictions using both a phenomenological event generator, and the BNV/SMF transport model. A new variable is proposed to estimate the density dependence of the symmetry energy at sub-saturation densities. The first comparison with the BNV/SMF model shows that the Asy-stiff equation of state appears compatible with our data.
Kabtoul M., Bougault R., Colonna M., Galichet E.
EPJ Web of Conferences – International Workshop on Multifragmentation and related topics – IWM 2011, Caen : France (2011) – available at or
Abstract: Nuclear particle production from peripheral to central events is presented. N/Z gradient between projectile and target is studied using the fact that two reactions have the same projectile+target N/Z and so the same neutron to proton ratio for the combined system and the impact parameter size dependent geometrical overlap region. Data in the forward part of the centre of mass indicates that N/Z equilibration is achieved for impact parameters below 6 fm and a comparison with transport model SMF calculations is done. SMF results agree with the data in average and by using the fragment multiplicity difference between 136Xe+112Sn and 124Xe+124Sn systems it seems possible to characterize the density dependence of the symmetry energy.
M. A. Ramos, M. Hassaine, B. Kabtoul, R.J. Jiménez-Riobóo, I.M. Shmyt’ko, A.I. Krivchikov, I.V. Sharapova, and O.A. Korolyuk.
Low Temperature Physics/Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2013, v. 39, No. 5, pp. 600–605.
B. Kabtoul and M. A. Ramos.
Physica Status Solidi, 208.10, 2237–2487 (2011).
M. A. Ramos, B. Kabtoul and M. Hassaine
Philosophical Magazine, 1478-6443, (2010).
R.J. Jiménez-Riobóo, B. Kabtoul and M. A. Ramos.
The European Physical Journal B, 10.1140, 4197 – 4203 (2009).
B. Kabtoul, R.J. Jiménez-Riobóo and M. A. Ramos.
Philosophical Magazine , 88:33, 4197 — 4203 (2008)
ICRA 2022.
Abstract— Navigation in close proximity with pedestrians is a challenge on the way to fully automated vehicles. Pedestrian-friendly navigation requires an understanding of pedestrian reaction and intention. Merely safety based reactive systems can lead to sub-optimal navigation solutions resulting in the freezing of the vehicle in many scenarios. Moreover, a strictly reactive method can produce unnatural driving patterns which cannot guarantee the legibility or social acceptance of the automated vehicle. This work presents a proactive maneuvering method adapted to navigation in close interaction with pedestrians using a dynamic channel approach. The method allows to proactively explore the navigation options based on anticipating pedestrians cooperation. The navigation is tested in frontal and lateral crossing scenarios with variable space density. The system is implemented under ROS, and compared with the probabilistic Risk-RRT planning method. The results are evaluated based on the safety and comfort of the pedestrians, and the quality of the vehicle’s trajectory.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS).
Abstract—The navigation of autonomous vehicles around pedestrians is a key challenge when driving in urban environments. It is essential to test the proposed navigation system using simulation before moving to real-life implementation and testing. Evaluating the performance of the system requires the design of a diverse set of tests which spans the targeted working scenarios and conditions. These tests can then undergo a process of evaluation using a set of adapted performance metrics. This work addresses the problem of performance evaluation for an autonomous vehicle in a shared space with pedestrians. The methodology for designing the test simulations is discussed. Moreover, a group of performance metrics is proposed to evaluate the different aspects of the navigation: the motion safety, the quality of the generated trajectory and the comfort of the pedestrians surrounding the vehicle. Furthermore, the success/fail criterion for each metric is discussed. The implementation of the proposed evaluation method is illustrated by evaluating the performance of a pre-designed proactive navigation system using a shared space crowd simulator under ROS.
- Ph.D. Thesis December 2021
- Dr. Maria Kabtoul
Maria Kabtoul, Philippe Martinet and Anne Spalanzani
Abstract— Developing autonomous vehicles capable of navigating safely and socially around pedestrians is a major challenge in intelligent transportation. This challenge cannot be met without understanding pedestrians’ behavioral response to an autonomous vehicle, and the task of building a clear and quantitative description of the pedestrian to vehicle interaction remains a key milestone in autonomous navigation research. As a step towards safe proactive navigation in a space shared with pedestrians, this work introduces a pedestrian-vehicle interaction behavioral model. The model estimates the pedestrian’s cooperation with the vehicle in an interaction scenario by a quantitative time-varying function. Using this cooperation estimation the pedestrian’s trajectory is predicted by a cooperation-based trajectory planning model. Both parts of the model are tested and validated using real-life recorded scenarios of pedestrian-vehicle interaction. The model is capable of describing and predicting agents’ behaviors when interacting with a vehicle in both lateral and frontal crossing scenarios.
Owayss Kabtoul, Manuel Palomo-Duarte, Anke Berns, José-Luis Isla-Montes, Juan Manuel Dodero
Publication:TEEM ’16: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing MulticulturalityNovember 2016 Pages 567–572
Kabtoul, Owayss
The computing challenge at CERN is of a global nature. To make real world-wide distributed computing possible, more than 150 computer centers must be seamlessly integrated. This means integrating CPU, storage and network.
The File Transfer Service (FTS) is a tool that emerges to solve the data movement problem. It is used to schedule data transfers between different storage resources. Its optimizer takes care of increasing the parallelism to improve throughput, without exhausting the storage resources. It also has a web interface (WebFTS) which makes it quite easy for users to invoke reliable, managed data transfers on distributed infrastructure.
However, FTS only solves part of the problem, as an increasing number of grid users run simulations on their personal laptops, generating files that can amount to several gigabytes. Normally, users would want to move these files from their personal computers to a remote Grid storage for long-term archiving, sharing, or running further processing on them. The issue here is that these users might be sitting behind a firewall, which means that their computer will not be able to listen to inbound connections.
Last Mile Transfer is a solution that was developed to enable local file uploads on the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) infrastructure.
Berns, Anke & Palomo-Duarte, Manuel & Isla-Montes, José-Luis & Dodero, Juan Manuel & Osuna, Javier & Kabtoul, Owayss & Carrillo Chaves, Federico & Garrido Guerrero, Alicia & Páez Piña, Mercedes & Reyes-Sánchez, Salvador. (2016).
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
School of Management and Law
Department Banking, Finance, Insurance
Master of Science in Banking and Finance
FS 2021
Authors: | Kabtoul, Ahmad |
Advisors / Reviewers: | Hilber, Norbert Seiberlich, Ruben |
Abstract: In this thesis, the common special features and the main assumptions of valuing and pricing Structured Products are analysed. The method reviewed uses one dimensional modelling in valuing European and American options. In order to accurately price path-dependent equity derivatives, a numerical method using finite differences partial differential equations was applied.
The Black-Scholes model has been examined as well as the Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model. The CEV model illustrated and was used to evaluate and price exotic options, which has been used to model and price two Structured Products: Barrier Reverse Convertibles and Capital Protected Product with Double Barrier.
The three finite differences methods have been compared when valuing an European option according to accuracy for each method. Then, the best one was used for valuing American options and the CEV model for pricing Structured Products was applied.
This thesis also provides important aspects for structuring a Structured Product, and is followed by the pay-off techniques that determined how the return is calculated. Then, there is a discussion about the importance of hedging and second order Greeks of Structured Products in the market.
This thesis draws attention to the risks that could affect the value of the structured notes, after which is the methodology used to contribute to the sustainable development of investment products.
Ahmad Kabtoul
Ahmad Kabtoul
ZHAW School of Management and Law
Date Written: May 16, 2020
This paper presents a study and a framework to assess the fair economic value of Structured Products pledged as collateral in a Lombard Loan. In particular, it discusses how the value of Barrier Reverse Convertibles in the market can be used to determine the Loan-to-Value by applying the concept of Conditional Value at Risk based on Monte Carlo simulations. It also provides important analysis for pricing and evaluating Barrier Reverse Convertibles to fill a gap in the Literature. Therefore, a simulated approach is proposed with a valid risk model and an algorithm is applied to compute the tail risk probabilities. The Model variables takes into consideration both market and credit risk factors to assess the economic value for the pledged Barrier Reverse Convertibles. The study finds that Barrier Reverse Convertibles are favourable investment vehicles which can create liquidity even in a time of crisis.
Keywords: Barrier Reverse Convertibles, Lombard Loan, Risk Modelling, Mote Carlo Simulation,Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall